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bog iron造句

"bog iron"是什么意思  
  • Slate, coal, and bog iron abound; and some gold has been found.
  • This Wendish church was built using stones found in fields and bog iron.
  • Early Scandinavian iron production typically involved the harvesting of bog iron.
  • Bog iron was also found on the Eastern Shore of Maryland.
  • Broom was also involved in an unsuccessful scheme to mine bog iron ore.
  • The swamps and backwaters were bountiful sources of natural bog iron.
  • Other furnaces used ore extracted from bogs in South Jersey, impure deposits called bog iron.
  • However most iron as well as its forging was of domestic origin, probably from bog iron.
  • The ore used was the abundant bog iron.
  • Bog iron could be found close to the surface in the carr south of the Emscher river.
  • It's difficult to see bog iron in a sentence. 用bog iron造句挺难的
  • The ore was locally obtained bog iron.
  • Lake Massapoag in Massachusetts was drawn down by deepening the outlet channel in a search for bog iron.
  • The museum contains various historic buildings, including most importantly the smelt bog iron ore to make pig iron.
  • Mishawaka s recorded history began with the discovery of bog iron deposits at the beginning of the 1830s.
  • What is now South Beloit was previously full of natural resources such as copper, lead, and bog iron.
  • The bog iron deposits of Northern and Northeastern Europe were created after the Ice Age ended, on postglacial plains.
  • Granite, marble ( in Ruskeala ) and bog iron mining as well as logging were important branches of industry.
  • Although the bog iron ores mined in colonial days were widespread, the deposits were also small, and quickly exhausted.
  • Originally part of Silesia, MaBomice had been a centre of smelting bog iron by bloomery hearthes since medieval times.
  • What with the additional demand for wood for charcoal to smelt the local bog iron, the native forest was fast vanishing.
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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